Author Archives: Rebecca Davis - Page 5
Making the Most of 2020
It was a year like no other, but we found creative ways to stay involved in our communities!
Outlook on a New Decade for Insurance
Just as the global pandemic began shifting business practices across North America, InsNerds published The Future of Insurance: From Disruption to Evolution. It shows that the industry has been learning—and COVID-19 has only accelerated our education.
Upping Your LinkedIn Game as an Insurance Broker
In the insurance industry, LinkedIn can go a long way in creating and maintaining your presence online. Initially, the platform was only seen as a means to finding a job. But once you’re secure in your position, it’s got a lot more to offer.
Visiting War Memorials In Europe
Over the years, Tilda Raney, part of our New Glasgow team, has visited war memorial sites in Europe with Cadets on two different occasions.
Make-A-Wish® Rope For Hope
To ease my fear as we got closer to the edge, our ropes trainer reassured us that we’d feel like pros before we got to the bottom. If we were to faint going down, he’d still be able to lower us and make sure we still looked cool!
Celebrating HRM’s Heroes with FX101.9
It was both a way to recognize hard work and create new relationships. Even with masks on, you could tell people were smiling.
Navigating Our New Normal
eSignatures, email, phone calls—not only were we getting used to these new processes, but we were helping our customers navigate them too.
Cavendish 2020
Now we were feeling cautious. Two old millennials, a preschooler, and a newborn in a world without a vaccine for the virus.